Blue & Green Bouquet
Green and blue diamonds fill this bouquet of forget me not. Approx: 1/4"W 4-2.5mm & 4-2mm diamonds. Size 7.5 . Can be sized. Custom orders available in other colors.We are a small company please allow 3 weeks for sizing and custom orders.
Green and blue diamonds fill this bouquet of forget me not. Approx: 1/4"W 4-2.5mm & 4-2mm diamonds. Size 7.5 . Can be sized. Custom orders available in other colors.We are a small company please allow 3 weeks for sizing and custom orders.
Green and blue diamonds fill this bouquet of forget me not. Approx: 1/4"W 4-2.5mm & 4-2mm diamonds. Size 7.5 . Can be sized. Custom orders available in other colors.We are a small company please allow 3 weeks for sizing and custom orders.